Many members of the fight against global poverty have found inspiration in Peter Singer's work on the topic. Now Peter will be teaching a free online course titled “Practical Ethics“, and we hope you'll choose to enroll.
This class will be hosted on Coursera, and will encourage you to examine your ethical beliefs on topics relevant to the ancient question posed by Socrates: “How am I to live?”
Practical Ethics contains sections on global poverty and effective altruism (including an appearance by The Life You Can Save), but the course will explore ethical questions touching all areas of our lives. Topics will include animal rights, abortion, climate change, end of life decisions, and the moral status of embryos and fetuses. You'll have the chance to learn about these issues from expert guest speakers, and share your thoughts and ideas with over ten thousand students from around the world.
The class begins on March 1st, and we hope you'll be a part of it!