On October 24-28, the global Micronutrient Forum will be held in Cancun, Mexico. Topics will cover a wide range of topics related to reducing micronutrient malnutrition, or “hidden hunger”, with a focus on women’s nutrition. Three of TLYCS’s recommended charities are featured this year: Project Healthy Children (PHC), Iodine Global Network (IGN), and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN).
The IGN will hold a special symposium on Monday 24 October celebrating eradication of iodine deficiency from the Americas; IGN (previously ICCIDD) played no small part in this achievement.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Iodine Global Network (IGN)
A New Global Repository for Food Fortification: Helping to Map and Track Food Fortification Efforts Globally Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 4:00pm – 5:30pm at the CANCUNICC (International Conference Centre), Room Cozumel 4.
In July 2016, the Future Fortified Technical Advisory Group (TAG) published a report outlining next steps from the Arusha Statement on Food Fortification to support improved fortification efforts. This symposium focuses on one specific recommendation from that report: the development of a global system for tracking progress of global food fortification efforts. The symposium will summarize the progress being made toward the establishment of a centralized database system for food fortification programs, and solicit feedback towards its design from participants.
Project Healthy Children will be participating with a presentation as well as two posters:
Track #3: Scaling up micronutrient interventions in vulnerable populations: bridging the gaps between evidence and implementations
In the session on “What’s Stopping you? Addressing Barriers to Food Fortification Implementation Success”, Friday, Oct 28, 10:30am-12:00pm, PHC’s presentation will be Capturing and Improving Rates of Compliance — How to effectively collate and report fortification monitoring data: An experience from Malawi’s national fortification program. The presentation will briefly review the global gap currently faced around understanding whether or not fortified products actually contain the correct amount of vitamins and minerals. It will then outline an innovative approach for addressing this gap and simplifying the process of regulatory monitoring currently used in Malawi with the potential to be scaled globally.
Poster #1: How to improve food fortification program compliance: Bridging the gap between the ideal and the pragmatic. Following the September 2015 #FutureFortified Summit, a Working Group on Regulatory Monitoring, lead by PHC, was formed. The group’s objective was to conduct a review of top regulatory monitoring barriers faced in countries that have adopted mandatory fortification and provide preliminary solutions with documented examples from specific programs. The poster walks through three key recommendations for improving program compliance and offers country-specific evidence of successful implementation as opportunities to be scaled elsewhere.
Poster #2: Bridging the gap between national nutrition programming and rural at-risk communities through small-scale fortification. The poster outlines key challenges faced by small-scale fortification efforts that aim to reach those that large-scale fortification programming does not. It offers a scalable technology and business model that has proven to overcome these key challenges in Tanzania while keeping a close eye to miller needs and customer-specific barriers.